Western Sydney University & New courses from The School of Social Science and Psychology

- The Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling at Western Sydney University is a cross-disciplinary pathway to a career in helping people in distress. In counselling and psychotherapy, clients gain self-understanding, expand interpersonal capacities and become more able to change through a dedicated helping relationship. This course focuses on the process of creating of a therapeutic environment for clients and on cultivating the high levels of skill, sensitivity, self-knowledge and ethical conduct required of the counselling and psychotherapy professional. More information on the program will be available soon at:http://handbook.uws.edu.au/hbook/course.aspx?course=1817.1
- The Master of Social Work (Qualifying) is a Masters level qualification aimed at graduates of Social Sciences and other Human Services programmes who wish to achieve a professional qualification in social work. It combines the academic rigour, including research training, required for a Masters level qualification, with the practice education required to meet Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) standards. Students will undertake traditional academic units as well as completing assessed placements. The distinguishing features of the MSW(Q) is a combination of blended and work-based learning. Detailed information on the program is available at: http://handbook.uws.edu.au/hbook/course.aspx?course=1792.1
- The Master of Social Science – Digital Research and Social Data Analytics. This specialisation has been designed to incorporate specialised study with the Master of Social Science core program. On completion students will have an in-depth grounding in theory and research in the social sciences and specialised knowledge and skills in the field of Digital Research and Social Data Analytics. The purpose of the Digital Research and Social Data Analytics specialisation is to develop knowledge and skills in the field of digital data research within a critical social sciences framework. Western Sydney University students completing the specialisation will be well positioned to take up high-level positions within universities and in the public and private spheres as researchers, analysts and social commentators in the field. This specialisation teaches cutting-edge skills, knowledge and practice generating opportunities putting graduates at the forefront of developments in the field of digital research, big data and social analytics. Detailed information on the program is available at: http://handbook.uws.edu.au/hbook/course.aspx?course=1770.1
- The Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies covers all aspects of disaster management, humanitarian assistance, and development to equip students with the required skills, knowledge, and practical experience (i.e. humanitarian crisis simulation + international placement) that make them ready to work with national and international government and non-government organisations implementing short- and long-term life-saving programs. The degree provides a theory- driven and as well as a comprehensive field experience package that enhance students’ learning, research skills, real world experience, and career readiness. Watch the School video below for information about the course or visit our website for detailed information athttp://handbook.uws.edu.au/hbook/course.aspx?course=1735.1